The pandemic has caused the global trade shows and forums cancelled or postponed. ISLE (Int‘l Large Screen Display Technology, Audio-Visual Intelligence Integrated System, Signs and LED Exhibition), the Asia’s largest one and even the top in the Eastern Hemisphere, has broken the tradition to be held in Guangzhou every Feb and stopped.
With the epidemic situation under control, ISLE officially announced the restart on August 31, and the location is also moved to Shenzhen. It is expected that there will be more than 2,000 manufacturers participating and 250,000 professional visitors.
The quality and quantity of LED manufacturing in China has gradually received affirmation from global users, and Shenzhen is the headquarters of the most LED companies in China. Unilumin, a China’s leading LED display solution provider and a major exhibitor of the ISLE said, "Trade exhibition is a very important event for our business development. Although ISLE arrived late this year, it is moved to be held in Shenzhen, the home base of the major Chinese LED manufacturers. We believe there will be more and newer product releases and displays in ISLE 2020. It is definitely an LED equipment/solution exhibition that global buyers are worthy of attention after the epidemic this year."
ISLE - 亚洲最大的国际LED展确定重磅重启
中国的LED制造的质和量已经逐步收到全球用户的肯定,而深圳更是中国最多LED企业的总部所在。洲明科技(股票代码:300232),中国领先的LED显示屏解决方案供应商,是ISLE展览会重要参展商之一表示「展会是业务发展很重要的活动,ISLE今年虽然来得晚了,移到中国LED厂商的大本营 - 深圳举办,相信会有更多、更新的产品发表和展示,绝对是今年疫情后全球买家很值得关注参加的LED设备/解决方案展览」。
(jl; 09/06/2020)