“Reclam’arte” a pioneering and innovative non-profit festival in Portugal with Grupo dreamMedia

“Reclam’arte” a pioneering and innovative non-profit festival in Portugal with Grupo dreamMedia

“Reclam’arte” a pioneering and innovative non-profit festival in Portugal with Grupo dreamMedia

Art & Culture have been one of the most affected industries during this pandemic. Our museums, libraries and art galleries have been shut down since January, reopening on the 5th April. Lots of artists have been suffering a lot and we are all felling“hunger for culture”.

Acknowledging all the challenges and probations, Grupo dreamMedia decided to partner up with Liter, a Portuguese startup company. They launched “Reclam’arte” a pioneering and innovative non-profit festival in Portugal, which will exhibit works of art by various artists and authors (graffiti artists, illustrators, designers, photographers). The initiative aims to democratize art and culture making them accessible to all by bringing the artwork to the streets in our Billboards.

Reclam’arte Manifesto:
The role of RECLAM'ARTE is to impact the observer and provide him/her with moments of reflection, given the times we live in, of uncertainty and constant change.
Art must have the power to collide with reality.
This capacity leads to the expansion of the "We" and allows us to problematize the issues of the present, without forgetting the past and aiming at the future.
The billboard, present in the daily life of society, may have the capacity to bring Culture to the public space, even to those unfamiliar with it.

You can check our video report on youtube

Reclam’arte’s website: https://www.reclamarte.pt/


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