The World Out of Home Organization is stepping up its online platform of information on Sustainability, which has been organised and driven by the WOO Global Sustainability Task Force. This repository of information is currently only available to it's members, but the new landing page allows non-members access to the 3 latest uploads curated from across all the categories within the comprehensive repository.
By clicking on the relevant boxes on the website/newsletter, members will be able to access a vast range of findings, experiences, insights, and ideas, as well as many examples of best practice from across the world.
The repository currently features nine sections covering: the WOO Taskforce, comprehensive Sustainability Reports, CO2 Emission Reduction, Responsible Innovation and Technology, Insights and Research, Case Studies, Marketing and Press, a Glossary of Terms and a directpory of companies dedicated to providing support in this area.
The Platform also features videos of the sessions on sustainability at WOO Congresses and Forums during the last few years.
Katrin Robertson, Task Force Team Lead and CEO of blowUP media says: “The OOH industry as a whole is making every effort and exploring every avenue to reduce carbon emissions and help to achieve global targets in sustainability. The Landing Page will provide a quick and easy pathway to WOO’s information in this area”
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