The third now fortnightly World Out of Home Organization conference call with national and other Out of Home associations took place on Thursday April 16. Represented were associations from all major countries including the US, many in Latin America, Europe and Africa plus India, China and Australia.
All spoke feelingly about the difficulties their countries and businesses faced amid Covid-19 and the many creative ways Out of Home is responding to the crisis, not least by helping governments, health authorities and charities broadcast public safety messages.
The meeting also discussed ways out of the crisis when lockdowns end and the expected return to normality, for most a lengthy and gradual process. More evidence is expected to emerge in coming weeks about actual traffic numbers, which, according to some preliminary evidence, may have more positives than widely expected.
The group is also looking at how OOH is being supported locally sharing experience and best practice whilst looking at how the industry should respond in marking any future return to normality.
The meeting was chaired by WOO President Tom Goddard. Goddard said afterwards: “While Covid-19 is clearly a major tragedy sometimes, in times of crisis, good things emerge too. The way national associations and others are pulling together in this way in such a time makes me extremely proud.
“I believe we will become even closer and better for it as we come through this crisis. Now we have to think about the recovery too and how the global Out of Home industry can emerge even stronger from this terrible time.”
WOO is now looking to conduct a similar call with its Media Owner members, to bring more parties into the debate on OOH’s fortunes in and after the crisis.