Clear Media, the largest bus shelter media operator in China, has been acquired by a consortium of investors, driven by the existing Clear Media management team. The consortium acquires all the shares in the entire issued share capital. The offer shares are HK $ 7.12 each in cash, which is 39.61% higher than the closing price on the last trading day, HK$5.10.
Clear Channel KNR Neth Antilles NV, a subsidiary of Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc., who owns approximately 50.9% of the issued share capital of Clear Media, gave its irrevocable undertaking to tender its shares in favour of the offer by the Offeror.
The composition of the consortium, 40% is Mr. Han Zijin, the current CEO and executive director of Clear Media, 30% comes from Antfin, 23% from JCDecaux Innovate and 7% from China Wealth Growth Fund.
As of December 31, 2019, Clear Media operated more than 57,000 panels in 25 cities in China. This acquisition reflects confidence in the future prospects of outdoor advertising in China. Antfin, a subsidiary of Ant Financial, was started from Alibaba Group. Since 2018, AntFin has invested RMB15 billion in FocusMedia and HKD142 million in Asiaray. Investing again in China's largest outdoor street media operator shows the unlimited potential and ambition of online and offline integration.
中国最大公交车候车亭媒体运营商 – 白马户外媒体,在现有管理层推动下,由财团收购全部已发行股本中的所有股份,每股要约股份为现金7.12港元,较最后交易日收市价5.10港元溢价约39.61%。包含Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings子公司拥有的50.9%股份。
该财团的组成,40%为Clear Media现任首席执行官兼执行董事的韩子劲先生,30%来自蚂蚁金服,以及德高的23%和JCDecaux以及中国财富成长基金的7%。
截至2019年12月31日,白马户外媒体Clear Media在中国25个城市运营着超过57,000个面板。这次收购反应对中国户外广告未来前景的信心。蚂蚁金服源起阿里巴巴集团,从2018年起先后投资分众传媒、雅仕维,再次出手最大户外街道媒体,显示出线上线下整合的无限潜力和空间。
(jl; 23/04/2020)