2021 China Programmatic Ad Tech Landscape included 18 companies in the pDOOH category

2021 China Programmatic Ad Tech Landscape included 18 companies in the pDOOH category

2021 China Programmatic Ad Tech Landscape included 18 companies in the pDOOH category

In recent years, the Chinese market has been actively exploring the programmatic transformation of DOOH. In 2017, RTBChina added the programmatic pDOOH category for the first time. As of 2021, 18 companies have been included in the category.

Programmatic outdoor advertising in China is still in its infancy stage. The companies involved can be categorized into three categories:

  1. Outdoor media companies
    for example, in 2018, Alibaba Group strategically invested in Focus Media. The following year, the two parties jointly launched the "U Focus Plan". Driven by Ali's data, Focus has achieved "network push, real-time monitoring, insightful feedback, and effect evaluation".
  2. Internet companies
    As the growth rate of online traffic slows down, Internet companies begin to shift their focus to offline; Baidu, Ali, and JD.com have deployed DOOH. With the three advantages of strong capital, massive user data, and mature programmatic technology, they have promoted industry changes and built DOOH marketing platforms.
  3. Technical service company
    Including the use of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) technology, provide intelligent resource management and operation management services, and build a programmatic delivery platform.

The growth of online Internet penetration is slowing down, and offline advertising is gradually picking up; The supply side provides user data, and technological progress facilitates pDOOH development; The Chinese government’s policy support and urbanization development. All of this help attract funds to invest in China pDOOH development.




  1. 户外媒体公司: 例如分众传媒,2018年阿里集团战略入股分众,次年双方携手推出“U众计划”,在阿里的数据驱动下分众已实现“网路可推送、实时可监测、洞察可回流、效果可评估”。
  2. 网际网路公司: 随着线上流量增加率趋缓,网际网路企业开始将焦点转向线下。百度、阿里、京东纷纷布局户外广告,凭借雄厚资本、海量用户数据、成熟程序化技术三大优势推动行业变革,搭建户外数字营销平台。
  3. 技术服务公司: 包括利用SaaS(Software-as-a-Service,软体即服务)技术改造传统屏幕实现联网,提供智能化的资源管理和运营管理服务,以及建设程序化投放平台等。

在需求方线上网际网路普及率成长趋缓,线下广告逐渐回暖; 供应方提供用户数据,技术力进步助力; 中国政府政策倾向支持与城镇化发展,都有助于吸引资金在中国pDOOH发展。


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