Annual Congress Presentations Now Available

Annual Congress Presentations Now Available

Annual Congress Presentations Now Available

Annual Congress delegates will shortly be sent a password protected link to access all recordings of presentations / panels as well as slides from the Forum. This will grant access until Friday 19th July 2024.

However, all members will now have access and be able to continue to download the content through the WOO Database.

The WOO Database is a regularly updated, invaluable resource for WOO member companies, national associations and their employees, containing all the latest data on the Out of Home Industry worldwide. It is managed by WOO Insights Manager Heather Wallace.

The database contains up to date information on developments in the Out of Home world; case studies including invaluable insights into the connections between OOH and mobile, regulation changes in markets across the world and the latest official reports from National Associations worldwide.




Hong Kong Annual Congress Delegates will be emailed a password protected link to access all videos and presentation slides.


If you are a member and do not have access to the database, please contact

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